Recommended: St. Petersburg



St. Petersburg with its art treasures: the Hermitage (about 3 million exhibits from the Stone Age to the present), the Russian Museum (historical icons to modern art) and with an extra house, the international Ludwig Collection Part, Manifesta 10 (28.6 .-31.08.2013) and over 500 museums including the Erarta Museum (contemporary Art – -, 2, 29ste line, VO, Metro: Vasileostrovskaja (Ostrow), hours: 10-22 clock, Tuesday closed) I really liked! Many palaces, castles – including Tsarskoye Selo with the Amber Room and Peterhof with several gardens more beautiful than Versailles – some galleries, art projects and start-ups as well as many rich churches. The deepest-lying Metro and the Neva, more bridges than Venice, universities and jazz clubs and …

I was from 10 to 23 July 2014 during my participation in the exhibition at the Second International Triennial of Graphic Art in St. Petersburg and began my „program“ the day of arrival to 24 clock with a visit of the Neva Embankment, where because of the „White Nights“ many people to „Celebrate met“ the bridge openings …

Title picture: Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art and Galleries, Photos: E. Hartwig, 07/2014

offene Palastbrücke (Dvortsovyy most) und durchfahrendes Frachtschiff, 11.07.2014, 00:47 Uhr   Winterpalais, Admiralität und Isaakskathedrale, 21.07.2014   Eremitage, Cezanne-Saal, 17.07.2014   E. Hartwig trifft Malewitsch, üblich in der Eremitage, 18.07.2014   Where is ..., Installation, Teilansicht, Manifesta 10, Generalstabsgebäude, 18.07.2014   Installation im Theatersaal, zur Manifesta 10, in ehemaliger Kadettenschule, 15.07.2014   ERARTA Museum, Alla Dzhigirej, 2008, Öl und Tempera auf Leinwand, 17.07.2014   ERARTA Museum, Mikhail Kazakovtsev, Installationsansicht, 17.07.2014   E. Hartwig färbt Lithostein ein, Kunstakademie, Meisterdrucker Mikhail, 11.07.2014, Foto: B. Lau   Blumen vor dem niederländischen Konsulat, Moika-Ufer, 18.07.2014   Mariinski-Theater, Kassen-Vorraum-Detail mit Zuschaueremporen-Foto, 19.07.2014   Erlöserkirche, Kirchenmodell, 20.07.2014   Gestern vor Heute, Panzerkreuzer Aurora vor SAMSUNG, 20.07.2014   Puschkinskaja 10, (ehemalig alternatives) Kulturzentrum, John-Lennon-Tafel, 21.07.2014   Strukturen, Oberleitungen, Litejnij Prospekt, 18.07.2014   Metrostation Awtowo, Kassenraum, 22.07.2014   Stadtautobahnbaustelle am Ufer des Finnischen Meerbusens vor Dekawrismoje-Neubausiedlung der 70er Jahre, 22.07.2014   Prawda-Anschlagstafel vor regionalem KP-Büro, 2te Sowjetskaja Uliza, 22.07.2014



A trip to Leipzig you can always recommended.

2014-05-18_Thonet-Schaukelstuhl, Foto: B. Hauschild



Here I was in mid-May in the Old Spinning – there in different galleries: EIGEN + ART, b2, Josef Filipp, ASPN, Lia, ESTACE LEIPZIG, Kleindienst, Jochen Hempel, Dukan Leipzig-Paris, WERKSCHAU, maerzgalerie. Is always recommended!

And for Bentwood-lovers (like me) is to 09/14/2014 the special „seats – couches – swings, furniture by Thonet“ in the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts – a MUST!


2014-05-17_MischBatterie in der Alten Spinnerei, Leipzig

Mixer tap in the Old Spinning Alten Spinnerei, Leipzig, Photo: E. Hartwig on 17/05/2014